As with all farm management practices, there can be problems associated with day-to-day mortality management. Improper handling and loading of carcasses can result in less-than-favorable performance of a container drum.

The following troubleshooting chart describes a list of problems that an operator can encounter using a drum composter, their probable causes, and how these issues can be resolved to maximize the full potential of the container composter.






Too dry

Too wet

Improper C:N ratio

Add water

Add more bulking material

Evaluate the bulking material and

add more if necessary

Failure to


Improper C:N ratio

(too many carcasses for carbon volume)

Add more bulking material and

turn the drum

Odor (rotting carcass,

ammonia, and/or

sulphur smell)

Too wet/anaerobic conditions

Improper C:N ratio

Low composting temperature

Add bulking material and turn the drum

Evaluate the bulking material

and add more if necessary

Assess the C:N ratio

Flies around the drum

Leaching from drum

Failure to reach proper temperature

Add more bulking material and

turn drum

Assess the C:N ratio

Lumps of carcass in

finished material

Overloading the drum

Too short of time in drum

Send material back through

the drum

Reduce the speed/number of

turns per day

(Pictures provided from UGA Extension report on Clean Green Composting)