What We Offer
We manufacture a wide range of replacement repair parts for many different agriculture equipment lines. We offer parts for all peanut equipment and manufacturers such as peanut combines, peanut inverters, etc. We also offer a wide range of parts for many different types of tillage plows and pecan harvesting equipment. Plus, we are a dealer for Broekema belting products used for many pecan and peanut harvesting machines, conveyor lines, and a number of other applications. Our parts are sold by several companies and tractor dealerships, ask your local parts dealer for Max Mfg. parts in your area or give us a call today! (229)294-0550
In addition, we have the capability of producing other types of parts and specialty parts per request. On all of the parts we offer are guaranteed to meet or exceed the quality level required or requested, as well as, meet tolerance requirements for the OEM parts you are replacing. In these times, our goal is to save you money on your farm operation but to allow you the satisfaction of quality replacement parts.

4 Finger

5 Finger



Saw Blades

Header Bands

Peanut Inverter
Drive Split Sprocket

Inverter Web Belt Pin
& Connection Kit

Side Plate Shank Protector
for Zone Builder

Pecan Harvester
Fan Blades

Side Plate Shank
Protector Kit

Peanut Inverter
Rattle Bar

Side Plate Shank Protector
(Telon Applicator)